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SSO and ESSO Collaborate to Expand Global Curriculum – January 2018

Author: SSO Staff
Jan 10, 2018

Chandrakanth Are, MD, Chair, SSO International Committee, and Russell Berman, MD, SSO Executive Council Member, collaborated with the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) to investigate and stimulate dialogue on the critical issue of research literacy. This collaboration builds upon the previously published joint report that highlighted the global variations in training and made the case for a streamlined global surgical oncology curriculum of uniform standards. Chandrakanth Are, MD stated, “The proposed Global Curriculum in cancer research can provide the framework to stimulate research or promote research literacy, thereby improving care for cancer patients globally.”

The two most recent manuscripts were published in the December Online First edition of Annals of Surgical Oncology, “Global Curriculum in Research Literacy for the Surgical Oncologist and Global Variations in the Level of Cancer-Related Research Activity and Correlation to Cancer-Specific Mortality: Proposal for a Global Curriculum”. The two publications complement one another and emphasize that providing timely, effective and safe cancer care depends on an understanding of current evidence-based clinical practices and that participation in research helps cancer doctors provide optimal care.

Global Curriculum in Research Literacy for the Surgical Oncologist” is structured into eight sections with topics that include research methodologies, statistics, outcomes, ethics and writing and presenting research findings. Russell Berman, MD stated “We recognize that although not all individuals or nations will be able to actively participate in research, cancer practitioners globally should have the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to interpret scientific literature.”

Global Variations in the Level of Cancer-Related Research Activity and Correlation to Cancer-Specific Mortality: Proposal for a Global Curriculum” correlates data from the SCOPUS database on the number of cancer-related publications per country and World Health Organization data regarding cancer-specific mortality rates. Results indicate significant global variation in cancer-related research that correlates with cancer specific mortality. As noted in the manuscript, promoting participation in cancer research or increasing cancer research literacy may lead to improved care and patient outcomes.

As the preeminent surgical oncology organization, SSO is leading the dialogue related to surgical oncology, the role of the surgeon and the worldwide cancer burden to affect change both locally and globally. SSO currently partners with eight international surgical oncology societies including: Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology, Canadian Society of Surgical Oncology, Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology, European Society of Surgical Oncology, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology, Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery, Korean Society of Surgical Oncology and Sociedad Mexicana de Oncologia.

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